Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
Obama part of the most embarrassing broadcast moment of all time
UNEMPLOYMENT at OVER 8% for 42 months and
THIS is what he is discussing.
Listen to the beginning, Local questions will be no less serious than national news. He hasn't done a press conference for months!
THIS is what he is discussing.
Listen to the beginning, Local questions will be no less serious than national news. He hasn't done a press conference for months!
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Deli Owner Caters For President's Visit, Wearing Romney T-Shirt...
The co-owner of the Village Corner Deli here agreed to cater Obama’s visit Wednesday — but not before donning a T-shirt blaring the message: “Government didn’t build my business. I did.”
Read More
The co-owner of the Village Corner Deli here agreed to cater Obama’s visit Wednesday — but not before donning a T-shirt blaring the message: “Government didn’t build my business. I did.”
Read More
How did Harry Reid get so RICH?
Try this thought experiment.
Imagine that someone grows up in poverty, works his way through law school by holding the night shift as a Capitol Hill policeman, and spends all but two years of his career as a public servant. Now imagine that this person’s current salary — and he’s at the top of his game — is $193,400. You probably wouldn’t expect him to have millions in stocks, bonds, and real estate.
But, surprise, he does, if he’s our Senate majority leader, whose net worth is between 3 and 10 million dollars, according to MORE
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
Mitt Romney outsources jobs? General Motors and China VIDEO
President Obama calls Mitt Romney an OUTSOURCER. For activities of a company he no longer ran WHILE at the SAME TIME...
General Motors was bailed out by the US taxpayers; all to aid the U.S. auto maker offshore it's operations.
MR. PRESIDENT we DO NOT care what Mitt Romney does with HIS MONEY,
We DO care what YOU do with OURS!
General Motors quote "Our commitment to working IN China, WITH China, FOR China."
you won't hear that in the mainstream media
What happened to "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet" ?
DID YOU KNOW? According to General Motors presentation given in CHINA last year.
7 out of 10 GM Vehicles are made outside of the United States since the Tax Payer bail out!
GM has 11 joint ventures with China
GM operates 11 assembly plants in China (any American jobs there?)
GM operates 4 power train factories in 8 cities in China.
GM has more that 2,700 Dealerships in CHINA!
GM is shifting Research and Development to China and building a NEW R&D Tech Center in China YEA! more Jobs.)
Dan Akerson GM CEO
calls China "the Crown Jewel in the GM Universe"
General Motors was bailed out by the US taxpayers; all to aid the U.S. auto maker offshore it's operations.
MR. PRESIDENT we DO NOT care what Mitt Romney does with HIS MONEY,
We DO care what YOU do with OURS!
General Motors quote "Our commitment to working IN China, WITH China, FOR China."
you won't hear that in the mainstream media
What happened to "Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet" ?
DID YOU KNOW? According to General Motors presentation given in CHINA last year.
7 out of 10 GM Vehicles are made outside of the United States since the Tax Payer bail out!
GM has 11 joint ventures with China
GM operates 11 assembly plants in China (any American jobs there?)
GM operates 4 power train factories in 8 cities in China.
GM has more that 2,700 Dealerships in CHINA!
GM is shifting Research and Development to China and building a NEW R&D Tech Center in China YEA! more Jobs.)
Dan Akerson GM CEO
calls China "the Crown Jewel in the GM Universe"
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Still think the Liberal Media is NOT biased.?
Within hours of the tragic shooting at the theater in Aurora, Colorado, Brian Ross-
“Chief Investigative Correspondent” for ABC News filed this report. (disgusting)
With a simple Google search a 5th grader could have determined that THIS Jim Holmes was NOT the Jim Holmes responsible for the shooting at the Batman premier. It is OBVIOUS that in their RUSH to link this tragedy to the Tea Party and make a political statement ABC NEWS and JIM ROSS are NOT "Smarter than a 5th grader"
“Chief Investigative Correspondent” for ABC News filed this report. (disgusting)
With a simple Google search a 5th grader could have determined that THIS Jim Holmes was NOT the Jim Holmes responsible for the shooting at the Batman premier. It is OBVIOUS that in their RUSH to link this tragedy to the Tea Party and make a political statement ABC NEWS and JIM ROSS are NOT "Smarter than a 5th grader"
Monday, July 23, 2012
Single Motherhood is UNFAIR... to the children!
The Democrats would have you believe otherwise. They are legitimizing the destruction of the family. Here are the FACTS.
Children raised by a single mothers
Children raised by a single mothers
- commit 72 percent of juvenile murders
- 60 percent of rapes
- have 70 percent of teenaged births
- commit 70 percent of suicides and
- are 70 percent of high school dropouts.
A 1990 study by the Progressive Policy Institute showed that after controlling for single motherhood, the difference in black and white crime disappeared. Wednesday, July 18, 2012
Not so Fast, Not so Furious
From Fred Thompson
While angrily attacking Romney's Bain days, Obama said, "being president, one of the things you learn is, you are ultimately responsible for the conduct of your operations"
Take it easy, Mr. President. Not so fast. Not so furious.
Take it easy, Mr. President. Not so fast. Not so furious.
Thank you Mr. Obama.
You tried your way. You had BOTH Houses of Congress for nearly 2 years and THIS IS THE RESULT.
For the First Time, Canadians Now Richer Than Americans
The average Canadian household is worth about $40,000 more than their American counterparts.
Read more HERE
Forget Waldo, Where is the Presidents Job Council?
President Obama's Job Council has not met in 6 months!
How, even as the issue of job creation dominates the 2012 election.
read more: HERE
When asked why the council hasn't met, White House spokesman Jay Carney responded "Obviously the President has a lot on his plate"
#@!# Really? He has found time for countless fundraisers and numerous rounds of golf.
I thought he said he wouldn't sleep til he got the job done. Well I guess fundraising and golfing isn;t sleeping.
Obama is so disinterested in job creation that he hasn’t met with his jobs council for six months.
“You know what he's been doing over the last six months?" Romney asked in a crowded gymnasium at a community center here. “In the last six months he has held 100 fundraisers. And guess how many meetings he has had with his jobs council? None. Zero. Zero in the last six months.”
How, even as the issue of job creation dominates the 2012 election.
read more: HERE
When asked why the council hasn't met, White House spokesman Jay Carney responded "Obviously the President has a lot on his plate"
#@!# Really? He has found time for countless fundraisers and numerous rounds of golf.
I thought he said he wouldn't sleep til he got the job done. Well I guess fundraising and golfing isn;t sleeping.
Obama is so disinterested in job creation that he hasn’t met with his jobs council for six months.
“You know what he's been doing over the last six months?" Romney asked in a crowded gymnasium at a community center here. “In the last six months he has held 100 fundraisers. And guess how many meetings he has had with his jobs council? None. Zero. Zero in the last six months.”

Friday, July 13, 2012
Romney, Obama campaign,"beneath the dignity of the office"
The Obama campaign has been attacking Mitt Romney for the actions of Baine Capitol tha happened AFTER he left to run the Olympics. In this interview Romney answers the attacks. He calls the President's campaign, "disgusting"
Believe it or not Obama said in a speach in Va “As president of the United States, it’s pretty clear to me that I’m responsible for folks who are working in the federal government and you know, Harry Truman said the buck stops with you,” he said. This comes from a guy who CONTINUES to BLAME Bush almost 4 years AFTER he took office. What a CLOWN. Does he take responsibility for the thousands of jobs lost and BILLIONS of dollars lost in Solyndra and multiple OTHER failed solar energy projects.
Believe it or not Obama said in a speach in Va “As president of the United States, it’s pretty clear to me that I’m responsible for folks who are working in the federal government and you know, Harry Truman said the buck stops with you,” he said. This comes from a guy who CONTINUES to BLAME Bush almost 4 years AFTER he took office. What a CLOWN. Does he take responsibility for the thousands of jobs lost and BILLIONS of dollars lost in Solyndra and multiple OTHER failed solar energy projects.
Romney Responds!

Condoleezza Rice " Storm Washington!"
"When our friends aren't certain that they can count on us — and they aren't so certain now — and when our foes don't fear us or respect us, this is what you get: tumultuous, dangerous chaotic times," Rice said.
Framing her speech around three major "shocks to the international system" in the past decade — the 9/11 attacks, the global financial crisis, and the Arab Spring — Rice said Obama's failed governance has thrown the world deeper into crisis.
Exclusive Audio at

Thursday, July 12, 2012
The Republican Party is racist... Nothing could be further from the truth
We've been getting a lot of comments from liberals calling us racists and implying that somehow, by default, the Republican Party is racist... Nothing could be further from the truth but 30+ years of indoctrination by our media and public school system have shown to be effective.
We invite our liberal friends, who think we're racists, to click the following link and take the History Test - BLACK POLITICAL HISTORY: THE UNTOLD STORY
We invite our liberal friends, who think we're racists, to click the following link and take the History Test - BLACK POLITICAL HISTORY: THE UNTOLD STORY

Thursday, June 28, 2012
OBAMACARE 21 TAX Increases! Now we'll see what's in it.
“Obama now goes into the fall campaign defending a law that most Americans think will increase their health care costs, their premiums, their taxes, and the deficit. He also has to defend raising taxes on all Americans, which he pledged not to do.”
Sen. Mike Lee, Utah Republican and a member of the tea party caucus, said Mr. Obama’s victory will be “fleeting” and argued that most Americans didn’t like the law’s individual mandate in the first place.
“They’ll like it even less when they understand it’s a tax,” Mr. Lee

2008 Obama: Health Care Should "Never Be Purchased With Tax Increases On Middle Class Families."
Top DNC staffer says it's constitutional. Bitches!
Patrick Gaspard A TOP DNC Staffer tweets
"it's constitutional. Bitches"
Other Staffer "TAKE THAT MOTHER******S!!"
More here

Supreme Court DECISION on ObamaCare
Supreme Court DECISION on ObamaCare
You are now FORCED to buy Health Insurance
The court reinforces that individuals cant simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate.
Lawmakers walk back celebratory tweets...
30% of Conservatives BELIEVE they are registered but actually aren't
Find out here , CLICK #2
You are now FORCED to buy Health Insurance
The court reinforces that individuals cant simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate.
OBAMACARE Stands 6-3
FlashBack: Obama This is NOT a TAX... OOPS!
FLASHBACK: Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax...
Stocks Tumble after Ruling...
Justices Find Fault With Medicaid Expansion...
FlashBack: Obama This is NOT a TAX... OOPS!
FLASHBACK: Obama: Mandate is Not a Tax...
Stocks Tumble after Ruling...
Justices Find Fault With Medicaid Expansion...
Lawmakers walk back celebratory tweets...
30% of Conservatives BELIEVE they are registered but actually aren't
Find out here , CLICK #2
Developing please return for more:
High court upholds key part of Obama health law
Mandate survives as a tax...
Chief Justice Roberts joins the left of the Court...
The Medicaid provision is limited but not invalidated..
High court upholds key part of Obama health law
Mandate survives as a tax...
Chief Justice Roberts joins the left of the Court...
The Medicaid provision is limited but not invalidated..

Wednesday, June 27, 2012
Highest unemployment rates May 2012
Sunday, June 24, 2012
OUCH! Another Dem. Congressman Refuses to Endorse Obama.
President Obama's reelection problems continue in North Carolina, the state that's hosting this year's Democratic National Committee convention later this year. Congressman Mike McIntyre, a Democratic representative of North Carolina's Seventh Congressional District, is now refusing to endorse President Obama.

Thursday, June 21, 2012
Watch George Zimmerman's Lie Detector Test
In the video Zimmerman, 28, gives a blow by blow description of how the fight began and depicts Martin as the aggressor, a key point as his legal team builds his defense on Florida's controversial "stand your ground" law.
Watch George Zimmerman's Lie Detector Test

Wednesday, June 20, 2012
$9 Billion in ‘Stimulus’ for Solar, Wind Projects Made 910 Final Jobs -- $9.8 Million Per Job
The Obama administration distributed $9 billion in economic “stimulus” funds to solar and wind projects in 2009-11 that created, as the end result, 910 “direct” jobs -- annual operation and maintenance positions -- meaning that it cost about $9.8 million to establish each of those long-term jobs. Read MORE

FLASHBACK 2007: Obama Attacked Trying "To Hide Behind Executive Privilege"
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
In the GLOBAL economy YOU ARE the 1%
UN Official: Western Nations 'Don't Need More Cars, More TV, Whatever'
In the GLOBAL economy $35k
makes you a 1 percenter

Secret Service agents Partied like @ ANIMAL HOUSE! at Obamas' Vineyard Vacation
Long before President Obama's security detail was scandalized in Colombia and new revelations emerged last week about the Secret Service, members of the elite team earned an "Animal House" reputation at the blueblood vacation mecca of Martha's Vineyard.
- dubbed it the Secret Service’s “party house,”
- bad behavior and barroom brawls
- Vineyard homeowners vowing never to rent out to the Secret Service again.
- party went on until well past 4 a.m.
Read more:
Read more:

More Killed in Chicago this Year than Afghanistan!
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Postal chief: If we do nothing, we're Greece !
The head of the U.S. Postal Service said Tuesday that if the service doesn't cut costs and Congress fails to act, it's going to be in the same dire straits as Greece.
He said that Greece's ratio of debt compared to gross domestic product is 1.61 and the U.S. Postal Service's ratio of debt compared to revenue is 1.51.

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