Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Forget Waldo, Where is the Presidents Job Council?

President Obama's Job Council has not met in 6 months!

How, even as the issue of job creation dominates the 2012 election.

read more: HERE

When asked why the council hasn't met, White House spokesman Jay Carney responded "Obviously the President has a lot on his plate"

#@!# Really? He has found time for countless fundraisers and numerous rounds of golf.
I thought he said he wouldn't sleep til he got the job done. Well I guess fundraising and golfing isn;t sleeping.

Obama is so disinterested in job creation that he hasn’t met with his jobs council for six months.
“You know what he's been doing over the last six months?" Romney asked in a crowded gymnasium at a community center here. “In the last six months he has held 100 fundraisers. And guess how many meetings he has had with his jobs council? None. Zero. Zero in the last six months.”

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